People & Community

Universities Collaboration

Fostering Local Universities Development
Our manufacturing company recognizes the crucial role that STEM-based research and education initiatives play in driving economic growth, innovation, and sustainability. By supporting the development of these initiatives at local universities, we can create a pipeline of skilled professionals who can contribute to the industry and the community.
Our commitment to STEM education and research initiatives is not just a corporate responsibility, but also a way for us to give back to the community and inspire the next generation of STEM leaders. By fostering the development of STEM education and research, we are creating a culture of innovation that benefits society and the industry. We are proud to invest in these initiatives and will continue to drive growth, sustainability, and social impact.
People & Community
Empowering Youth
Through our internship programs, we offer students and young professionals the chance to gain hands-on experience in the manufacturing industry. By working with us, they can learn about the industry's latest trends, technologies and gain valuable insights into the manufacturing process. Additionally, through partnerships, we can collaborate with young minds to develop new products that meet the evolving needs of our customers.
Our mission to empower youth is driven by a desire to give back to the community and create a culture of innovation that benefits both the industry and society. We invite students and young professionals to partner with us and be a part of our journey towards building a brighter future for everyone. Together, we can drive positive change in the world and create opportunities for the next generation of leaders.

People & Community
Employee Safety
At GIH, employee safety is our top priority. We understand the importance of creating a safe working environment and investing in measures to prevent workplace accidents.
To ensure the safety of our employees, we have implemented a comprehensive safety program that includes regular safety training, hazard assessments, and risk management strategies. Our employees are equipped with the necessary safety gear and equipment to protect themselves while working in high-risk areas.
In addition to these measures, we encourage our employees to report any unsafe conditions or potential hazards immediately. This proactive approach helps us identify and address potential safety issues before they escalate.
Our commitment to employee safety goes beyond just meeting regulatory requirements. We believe that creating a safe working environment not only protects our employees from harm but also promotes a culture of trust and respect. It allows our employees to feel valued and empowered, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity.
We are proud of our commitment to employee safety and will continue to invest in measures to ensure the well-being of our workforce. As a result, our employees can feel secure knowing that they are working in a safe and healthy environment.
People & Community
Employee Skill Enhancement
Our employees are the main runners of our business. That's why we have a strong commitment to investing in their professional development and skill enhancement.
Over the years, we have organized in-house and external trainings in a variety of areas to help our employees improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Our training programs cover a wide range of topics, including technical skills, leadership development, communication, and customer service.
Through these training programs, our employees have been able to develop new skills and acquire new knowledge, which has enabled them to take on new challenges and responsibilities. As a result, our employees are more engaged, motivated, and productive, which has helped us to achieve our business goals.
In addition to these training programs, we also offer our employees opportunities for career advancement and mentorship programs. This ensures that our employees have a clear path for growth within the organization and provides them with the support they need to reach their full potential.
Our commitment to employee skill enhancement is a testament to our dedication to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services. By investing in our employees, we are able to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement that drives innovation and growth for the industry.

"As the Rector of ITEBA, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to PT. Galaksi Investasi Harapan for their continuous sponsorship of our students. Their support has played a crucial role in enabling our students to pursue their academic goals and realize their potential. We are grateful for their commitment to investing in the education of our students and providing them with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. I strongly recommend PT. Galaksi Investasi Harapan as a reliable and supportive partner for any initiatives related to student development."

"As the Vice Rector 1 for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni, I would like to express my gratitude to PT. Galaksi Investasi Harapan for their outstanding contribution to our recent Value of Tolerance seminar. Their sponsorship and collaboration were instrumental in making the event a success, and we were thrilled to have a distinguished world-renowned speaker as part of the seminar. The seminar was a valuable opportunity for our students, faculty, and experts to come together and discuss the importance of tolerance and inclusivity in our society. I commend PT. Galaksi Investasi Harapan for their commitment to supporting academic and community initiatives, and I highly recommend them as a valuable partner for any future events."

"Kami dari Forum Dekan Teknik Indonesia Wilayah Barat sangat senang sekali berkunjung ke PT. GIH dalam rangka melakukan diskusi dan kolaborasi antara Perguruan Tinggi dengan Industri. Ini merupakan langkah awal yang baik dalam meningkatkan potensi SDM yang ada untuk mendukung Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Kemendikbud-Ristek melalui kegiatan Magang Mahasiswa maupun Kolaborasi Riset untuk inovasi produk di PT. GIH kedepan."

"PT. GIH adalah perusahaan yang modern dan manajemen yang sangat baik serta ditunjang SDM yang mumpuni dengan berbagai keahlian. Hal ini dirasakan saat mulai penyambutan, pelayanan, pemaparan ke lokasi produksi. Proses produksi ditunjang sistem manajemen yang sangat baik. Penataan tempat dan pengemasan produk yang dihasilkan sangat baik. Teruslah berkreatifitas dan berinovasi, kembangkan teknologi terbaru untuk bersaing dan tetap eksis sepanjang masa. Terima kasih atas semua pelayanan terbaiknya."

"Kami dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya sangat senang atas kerjasama ini dan menyambut baik adanya kerjasama ini. Kami akan segera menindaklanjuti program kerjasama ini. Kami juga sangat berterima kasih kepada PT. GIH yang telah bersedia kerjasama dengan FDTI serta mendukung program MBKM."

"Kunjungan industri oleh FDTI ke PT. GIH sangat bermanfaat sekali dalam rangka kerjasama antara PT. GIH dengan universitas dibawah FDTI wilayah Barat. Kerjasama antara lain pengembangan R&D dan magang oleh mahasiswa dalam projek tertentu sehingga diperoleh manfaat dalam pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi yang terkait dengan industrialisasi sesuai dengan MBKM."

"As Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, in University of Batam, also one of the team members of the Indonesian Engineering Deans Forum (FDTI), i can say that i am very happy for the visit to GIH company. So many experience i've gained during this visit with valuable lessons. When i saw and feel by myself, especially in Plastic Injection Moulding process. Once again, i would like to say thank you to Ms. Phuspitaa Naaidu Ramloo as President Director of PT. Galaksi Investasi Harapan (GIH) and also to Ms. Ratu Febrika as Marketing Executive Assistant of GIH for the sincerity during our visit. We wish GIH always continued their prosperity and success in the future."

"I was so impressed after visiting PT. GIH. Friendly welcome and very satisfying service. After being invited to tour the factory and see the production process, i feel proud because Indonesian products are able to compete in the world because of high products standard and quality. I hope that the collaboration that we have signed can be continued with real programs so that the students can get hard skills and soft skills at PT. GIH in supporting governments programs in the field of education, especially related to the Kampus Merdeka program."

"Setelah melakukan kunjungan langsung ke pabrik kami melihat kegiatan proses produksi. Dari hasil pengamatan kami melihat sistem kerja dan proses penanganan sangat relevan dengan bidang kajian pada program studi kami yaitu Teknik Industri dimana sistem industri yg terdiri dari input meliputi pengadaan material bahan baku kemudian proses produksi berdasarkan pesanan make to order dll dengan konbinasi semi auto dan outputnya dengan sistem qulity control yg ketat hingga sistem distribusi nya. Kami berharap melalui kerjasama yg telah di lakukan dpat ditindak lanjuti dalam bentuk magang Industri dan penelitian bagi mhs dan dosen terutama bagaimana meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas serta produkstivitas karyawan."

"PT. GIH sangat luar biasa dalam inovasi pengembangan produk. Peralatan canggih untuk menghasilkan produk yang berorientasi ramah lingkungan. Maju terus PT. GIH dan mari kita bekerja sama untuk memajukan pendidikan di Indonesia."

"Kunjungan Industri FDTI Wilayah Barat (Fakultas Teknik - Universitas HKBP Nommensen sbg peserta) ke PT Galaxi Investasi Harapan (PT GIH) yang dilanjutkan dengan MoU sangat mendukung IKU PT butir 6 ( Indikator Kinerja Utama Perguruan Tinggi : Program Studi Bekerjasama Dengan Mitra Kelas Dunia)."

"Kami, Forum Dekan Teknik Indonesia (FDTI) Wilayah Barat (Indonesian Forum of Dean of Engineering West Region) mengucapkan terima kasih banyak atas penerimaan yang sangat baik PT. GIH (Galaksi Investasi Harapan) dalam rangka kunjungan industri dan penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoA) antara PT GIH dengan 16 Fakultas Teknik dari Universitas/Institut anggota FDTI Wilayah Barat. Kami sangat mengapresiasi kegiatan kerjasama dengan PT GIH ini dan diharapkan ke depannya akan banyak kegiatan kerja sama yang diimplementasikan sebagai bentuk dukungan untuk kemajuan pendidikan Teknik di Indonesia."

"Kunjungan ini sangat menginspirasi kami untuk membuka wawasan mahasiswa betapa pentingnya kunjungan lapangan, apalagi magang di dunia industri, dimana selain mendapatkan pengalaman dlm pekerjaannya dan tatacara komunikasi profesional juga mendapatkan jaringan siraturrahmi yg baik, GIH salah satu perusahaan industri yg memberikan semua itu."